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Governor Hogan: All COVID-19 indoor, outdoor capacity limits to be lifted

UPDATE: Baltimore County plans to continue align with state actions in lifting restrictions.

Original story below…


ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Wednesday afternoon held a press conference to provide an update on Maryland’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The governor announced that the case rate per 100,000 has dropped by 64% over the past 4 weeks and is at its lowest point since September 30th. Maryland’s positivity rate is also down to 2.74%, the lowest rate since September 29, and hospitalizations are down over 60% from their winter peak.

As of Wednesday afternoon, 86% of all Marylanders over 65 have been vaccinated and 65.4% of all Marylanders 18 and older have been vaccinated,

Effective Saturday, May 15, indoor and outdoor venues may resume normal operations. All remaining capacity restrictions will be lifted on outdoor entertainment, art, and sports venues as well as all indoor entertainment venues and conventions.

Also effective on Saturday, restaurants and bars may resume normal operations. All remaining restrictions will be lifted on both indoor and outdoor dining.

Governor Hogan added that the indoor mask mandate would be lifted as soon as 70% of Maryland adults receive at least one dose of a vaccine.

To further accelerate the state’s economic recovery, Governor Hogan has directed the Maryland Department of Labor to work with the federal administration to begin the process of reinstating work search requirements.

The governor’s updated Executive Order can be viewed below…

Click to access Scanned-from-a-Xerox-Multifunction-Printer-76.pdf

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