Business, Police/Fire

Councilman Marks: Perry Hall fire station to receive new roof

PERRY HALL, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks has announced that the Perry Hall fire station will receive a new roof, should the Fiscal Year 2022 budget be approved by the County Council.

The budget submitted by County Executive John Olszewski Jr., includes $200,000 to replace the roof at Station #55, which was built in the 1980s.

“We appreciate the additional funding for the Perry Hall Station’s new roof,” said John Sebega, “Thanks to Councilman Marks and County Executive Olszewski for the much-needed funding to keep our firehouses functional.”

Councilman Marks has worked to improve fire stations throughout Baltimore County. The county built a new fire station for Towson’s career firefighters, and the White Marsh and Kingsville Volunteer Fire Companies have also opened new facilities.

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