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Councilman Marks: Funding secured to plan new park, improve turf fields and playgrounds

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Friday announced that funding has been included in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget proposal to plan for Perry Hall’s newest park and improve playgrounds and turf fields throughout northeastern Baltimore County.

The budget includes $100,000 to plan for Perry Hall’s newest park at a 22-acre site on Gerst Road. The Baltimore County Council approved acquiring this farm in March.

The budget also includes funding to extend the Northeast Trail, a hiker-biker path that will extend from Linover Park to Perry Hall’s Indian Rock Park.

The county will also provide $200,000 to refurbish the turf fields at Cowenton Ridge Park, as well as $100,000 to improve the multipurpose court at Kingsville Elementary School and $150,000 to upgrade the playground at Joppa View Elementary School.

“Since 2010, we have advanced five new parks in Perry Hall, a new park in White Marsh, and four new parks in Towson,” said Councilman Marks. “The new budget refurbishes the turf fields at Cowenton Ridge Park and playgrounds at many of our elementary schools. In addition to County Executive Olszewski and his staff, I want to acknowledge Greg Heitner, chairman of the Baltimore County Recreation and Parks Board.”

“These improvements will continue to improve our growing recreation programs,” said Ed Beranek, president of the White Marsh Recreation Council.

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