Crime, Events, Police/Fire

Parkville police precinct to plant tree to commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights Week

PARKVILLE, MD—The Baltimore County Police Department’s Parkville Precinct, in commemoration of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, April 18–24, 2021, will be planting and dedicating a tree at the station.

The ceremony will take place at 1 p.m. on Wednesday April 21 to raise awareness about crime victims’ issues and rights and to introduce the community to the important resources and services available.

Every April, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime leads communities throughout the country in an annual observances of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.

The 40th anniversary of NCVRW will be observed April 18–24, 2021.

The Parkville Precinct is located at 8532 Old Harford Road (21234)

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