Education, Politics, Traffic

Parking improvements completed at Gunpowder Elementary School [PHOTOS]

PERRY HALL, MD—Parking improvements have been completed at Perry Hall’s Gunpowder Elementary School, Councilman David Marks announced on Friday.

The project is one that supporters say will improve mobility both at the school along Holiday Manor Road.

“Parking has been a problem at Gunpowder Elementary School since before I was elected,” said Councilman Marks. “Along with the resurfacing of Baker Lane and the new traffic light on Belair Road, this project should greatly improve mobility in this part of Perry Hall.”

Marks toured the site with Fifth District Board of Education member Julie Henn and Principal Wendy Cunningham.

He thanked them and the Gunpowder Elementary School PTA for their advocacy.

Photos of the improvements can be viewed below.

Gunpowder Elementary Parking Lot 2

Gunpowder Elementary Parking Lot 3

Gunpowder Elementary Parking Lot 4

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