Events, Politics

Governor Hogan proclaims February 20 as Civil Rights Heroes Day in Maryland

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Friday issued a proclamation that recognizes February 20, the anniversary of Frederick Douglass’ death, as Civil Rights Heroes Day for the first time in Maryland history. At the governor’s direction, the Maryland flag will be lowered to half-staff to mark the occasion.

“As we commemorate Black History Month, I am proud to honor the lives and legacies of Maryland’s iconic civil rights leaders, including Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and Thurgood Marshall,” said Governor Hogan. “It is my hope that we continue to reflect on the countless contributions of these remarkable leaders, and to continuously fight for unity, equality, and justice.”

Last February, Governor Hogan was proud to unveil statues of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman in the Old House of Delegates Chamber of the Maryland State House.

View the proclamation here.

FEBRUARY 20, 2021

WHEREAS, The State of Maryland recognizes the courage, sacrifice, and relentless efforts of civil rights and abolition leaders throughout history and reaffirms our commitment to be a land of opportunity, hope, and justice for every citizen; and

WHEREAS, The contributions of the nation’s civil rights leaders transcend race, nationality, and religion, and their message of human rights and equality continues to resonate throughout the world today; and

WHEREAS, The State of Maryland is the birthplace of countless individuals who have been nationally and internationally recognized for their advocacy for the equal treatment of all people; and

WHEREAS, February 20th was the day of passing of Frederick Douglass, commonly referred to as the “Father of America’s Civil Rights Movement,” and the State of Maryland is committed to promoting his life and legacy which continues to live on through the tireless efforts of all who demonstrate a willingness to serve in whatever capacity necessary to promote equal opportunity; and

WHEREAS, The citizens of Maryland have displayed an unwavering dedication to keeping the spirit of the countless civil rights champions through their efforts to build more equal and inclusive communities;

NOW, I, LAWRENCE J. HOGAN, JR., GOVERNOR OF THE GREAT STATE OF MARYLAND, do hereby proclaim FEBRUARY 20, 2021 as CIVIL RIGHTS HEROES DAY in Maryland, and do commend this celebration to all of our citizens.

Click to access CIVIL-RIGHTS-HEROES.pdf

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