Education, Family, Health

BCPS meal distribution schedule to be affected by Martin Luther King Jr. holiday

TOWSON, MD—The usual Monday and Wednesday meal distribution schedule for Baltimore County Public Schools will be altered during the week of January 18 – 22, 2021 due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday on Monday, January 18th.

Due to the closure of the school system on Monday, Baltimore County Public Schools will distribute meals next week on Wednesday, January 20 only.

On Wednesday, January 20, BCPS will distribute meals (breakfast and lunch) for three days. The nutritious meals include cold food items, fruit, vegetables, milk, and breakfast items.

Through its meal distribution program, BCPS provides school meals, at no cost to students, to all children ages 2 -18. Students with disabilities can receive no-cost meals regardless of age.

No sign-up or registration is required, and students or their parents or caregivers can pick up the meals.

Meals are distributed in two ways:

  • Curbside pickup at the main entrance of every middle and high school, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
  • By bus from more than 260 community locations across the county. Times vary according to location.
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