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Councilman Marks: Seven Oaks Senior Center parking expansion set for April

UPDATE: Construction on this project is now set to begin in November 2021.

Original story below…


NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Tuesday announced that the long-awaited expansion of the Seven Oaks Senior Center parking lot is expected to begin in April 2021.

The expansion will add capacity to one of the fastest-growing senior centers in the area.

Councilman Marks has pushed for more parking here for the past five years.

“When County Executive Olszewski and I held a town meeting here earlier this year, parking was one of the top priorities for members of the senior center,” said Councilman Marks. “That was the last town meeting before the pandemic hit. I am very pleased that, despite a tight budget, this project is coming to fruition. I thank the County Executive, the Department of Aging, and all seniors who pushed for this expansion.”

The Seven Oaks Senior Center is located at 9210 Seven Courts Drive in Nottingham/Perry Hall (21236).

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