Events, Family, Police/Fire, Sci-Tech, Sports

Special Olympics Maryland extends 2020 Virtual Torch Run through Saturday [VIDEO]

BALTIMORE, MD—The first-ever “virtual” Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit Special Olympics Maryland is being extended.  The event was original slated to end on October 17th but has not been extended through this Saturday, October 23rd.

The annual event is normally scheduled in June but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s participants may have had to keep their distance from one another but they pulled together to raise money for and awareness of Special Olympics Maryland.

This marks 34 years that Baltimore County police officers and Special Olympics athletes have joined in supporting this fundraiser. It’s not too late to make an online contribution to the BCoPD Virtual Law Enforcement Torch Run team; 100% percent of all donations goes toward supporting the sports and leadership programs offered throughout Maryland.

These contributions allow the programs to be free to athletes and families.

The Baltimore County Police Department has raised thousands of dollars over the years to support Special Olympics Maryland.

Those interested in donating can do so by clicking here.

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