Events, Health, Sports

Maryland Department of Health encourages residents to participate in annual Walk Maryland Day events

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Health is encouraging Marylanders to take part in today’s 6th annual Walk Maryland Day through planned walks across the state, while maintaining social distancing and wearing face coverings. The event is a highlight of the state’s month-long celebration of “Walktober,” which focuses on Maryland’s official exercise.

Walk Maryland Day 2020 urges all Marylanders to Walk Towards Wellness, stressing the importance of physical exercise, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Walks have been organized statewide with safety measures in place, and residents can become Walk Maryland Day “Sole Mates” by joining one of the official walks, or register walks they take alone or with others. Registration is still available at

“The COVID-19 pandemic has helped highlight the importance of walking as a critical aspect of well-being,” said MDH Secretary Robert R. Neall. “Maryland was the first state in America to designate an official state exercise in 2008 because we believe in the value of walking as an accessible, affordable activity for all.”

“Today and throughout Walktober, I encourage people of all ages and abilities to get outside and see Maryland’s beauty by taking a walk,” added Acting Deputy Secretary of Public Health Dr. Jinlene Chan. “Enjoy the crisp fall weather and the health benefits of this great physical activity.”

Walktober events are a collaborative effort between the Maryland Department of Transportation, the Maryland Department of Health, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Maryland Department of Planning, the Maryland Department of Commerce, the Maryland Office of Tourism, and MDOT Motor Vehicle Administration’s Maryland Highway Safety Office, as well as community partners.

In Maryland, there are more than 1,200 miles of trails on state public lands alone.

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