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Maryland State Department of Education announces additional COVID-19 relief grants for Maryland schools, universities

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland State Department of Education on Wednesday announced $10 million in grant awards to support Maryland schools and universities as they continue to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These grants are being awarded through federal CARES Act funding to local school systems, public schools, nonpublic schools, as well as public and private universities that demonstrate unique strategies to address academic accessibility as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Grant recipients have presented creative strategies to support disengaged students, students with disabilities, teachers, and families in need. Priority for funding was given to programs that address the needs of at-risk students.

“Our priority during this uncertain time is to keep the classroom accessible to our students while also keeping them safe,” said Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D., State Superintendent of Schools. “We are pleased to support efforts by these institutions to bridge gaps created by the pandemic, and maintain connections between educators and students as we navigate learning in an online environment together.”

Grant Recipient Grant Award Amount
Anne Arundel County Public Schools $654,662
Archdiocese of Baltimore $374,931
Archdiocese of Washington $128,940
Bowie State University $374,537
Coppin State $374,786
Elmer Henderson School $313,968
Empowerment Academy $375,000
Garrett County Public Schools $405,419
Goucher College $397,279
Harford County Public Schools $420,420
Holy Trinity $221,059
Hood College $203,418
Howard County Public Schools $427,000
Johns Hopkins University $374,926
KIPP Academy, Baltimore $355,486
Monarch Academy, Annapolis $173,997
Montgomery County Public Schools $374,031
Mount St. Mary’s University $273,200
Notre Dame of Maryland $374,818
Prince George’s County Public Schools $400,000
Reid Temple Christian Academy $349,459
Salisbury University $487,455
Somerset County Public Schools $217,631
St. John Regional Catholic School $375,000
The Salisbury School $56,308
Towson University $257,709
University of Maryland Baltimore County $151,332
University of Maryland $619,722
Wicomico County Public Schools $375,000

For more information on safely reopening Maryland schools, visit

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