Traffic, Weather

Flood Warning issued for Nottingham area for Tuesday afternoon, evening

NOTTINGHAM, MD—The National Weather Service has issued an Areal Flood Warning for the Nottingham area.

The Flood Warning will remain in effect until 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday.

At just before 4:30 p.m., Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain which will cause flooding. Up to 1.50 inches of rain has already fallen. Additional rainfall of up to one inch will be possible over the next hour.

Some locations that could experience flooding include Parkville, Carney, Perry Hall, Rossville, Rosedale, White Marsh, Kingsville, Joppatowne, Upper Falls, Gunpowder, Bradshaw, and Nottingham.

Turn around, don`t drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles.

A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring. Residents and motorists should take necessary precautions immediately.


Flooding Driving Safety Turn Around Dont Drown

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