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Harford County enacts FY 2021 budget: funding for schools, record funding for public safety, no tax rate increases

HARFORD COUNTY, MD—Harford County Executive Barry Glassman on Thursday signed legislation enacting the county budget for Fiscal Year 2021 after it was unanimously approved by the county council on Tuesday.

The $948 million budget for next year fully funds the school board’s operating budget request, provides record level funding for public safety, the library system and the community college.

The FY21 budget also maintains county reserves for fiscal uncertainties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As in each year of the Glassman administration, this budget does not raise tax rates.  Harford County is the only jurisdiction among the “Big 8” that has not raised taxes in the past five years.

“I would like to thank the County Council for their support along with my Director of Administration Billy Boniface and my Treasury and Budget teams for their work in these uncertain times,” County Executive Glassman said. “I would also like to thank all our county employees who continue to provide essential services to the citizens of Harford County.”

[Image via Harford County Government]

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