Health, Politics, Sci-Tech

Timonium Fairgrounds reaches capacity for appointment-free COVID-19 testing

TIMONIUM, MD—The Timonium Fairgrounds has reached capacity for appointment-free COVID-19 testing.

“Due to the overwhelming response, we are currently at capacity for administering COVID-19 tests at the Maryland State Fairgrounds,” officials said on Thursday morning. “If you were unable to get tested at this location, please call the Baltimore County COVID-19 Hotline at410-887-3816 for assistance.”

The fairgrounds hit their limit of 1,000  people tested within two hours.

“Today, I visited the Maryland State Fairgrounds, where we quickly met capacity as we delivered 1,000 appointment-free COVID-19 tests, showing high demand for testing,” said County Executive Johnny Olszewski. “This is an important step forward as we continue expanding testing and taking steps towards a gradual reopening.”

Governor Larry Hogan this week announced that the state had the capacity to expand COVID-19 testing to individuals who didn’t present symptoms.

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