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Parkville High School student wins 3rd place, $5,000 scholarship at McCormick Unsung Heroes Awards

PARKVILLE, MD—The annual McCormick Unsung Heroes Awards gala looked slightly different this year, as on Monday night, the 80th edition of this event took place online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Trading a ballroom for computer screens did not, however, change the significance of this honor or the pride beaming forth from 114 Unsung Hero honorees, as well as their families, teammates, coaches, and teachers who watched the live stream.

Just as in years past, long-time master of ceremonies Scott Garceau read the name of each honoree as their photo flashed across the screen. And, also in true Unsung Hero tradition, the honorees were treated to an inspirational message and congratulations from special guest Justin Tucker, the Baltimore Ravens’ All-Pro place-kicker.

The main event of the evening was the awarding of six college scholarships, including two Grand Prize winners, each receiving a $40,000 Charles Perry McCormick Scholarship.

Grant Carey, a golfer from Gilman School and Logan Welsh, a lacrosse player from Patapsco High School, were the Grand Prize winners.

Two Unsung Heroes, Andre Hawkins of Forest Park High School and Makilah McKnight of Baltimore’s Frederick Douglass High School, each received a $7,500 second-place college scholarship, while Mike Reid of Owings Mills High School and Korionna Skinner of Parkville High School were each winners of $5,000 third-pace college scholarships.

Skinner, a girls soccer player for Parkville, is described as a “true role model for her peers both on the field and in the classroom.” She overcame problems with her eyesight to make a positive impact for her team.

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