Education, Events, Health

Harford County Public Schools to hold in-person, individual graduations [VIDEO]

HARFORD COUNTY, MD—Harford County Public Schools Superintendent Sean Bulson announced on Wednesday that HCPS high schools will be hosting in-person, individual graduations for seniors and their family members.

Individual schools will be communicating directly with their seniors about details related to their specific graduation activities.

In a video message, Superintendent Bulson said that each student will have the opportunity to walk across the stage while their family watches.

Baltimore County Public Schools announced last week that their graduations would be held virtually this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Superintendent Bulson’s full message can be viewed below…

“We know that Senior year is very important to our studentsand families. It’sthe culmination of years of work; hours spent on learning, making lifelong friends, and planning for your future. We visualize the start of that future as what comes after you walk across the stage and receive your diploma.

“As I’ve shared previously, a team of dedicated individuals, including both students and school leaders, have been working to ensure the 2,700HCPS Seniors graduating this year, WILL have the opportunity to walk across their school stage while their family watches this momentous occasion. I am pleased to share that each graduating senior will be invited to return to their high school for an in-person, individual commencement experience between June 8-June 12. There will be many details to ensure that we adhere to the Governor’s Executive Orders for social distancing and gatherings, that we remain aligned with Health Department guidelines, and that we take all safety measures into consideration. Your school will be reaching out with these details, along with an appointment time.

“In addition to your in-person experience, we want to continue celebrating our Seniors as a class; you have been through something together unlike any other graduating class in history. On Monday, June 8,at 5:00 p.m., each high school will release a digital commencement ceremony.They will share messages from community members and highlight each of our Seniors-your accomplishments and your plans for the future.

“We also invite you to join us as we celebrate each of the seniors in our magnet and signature programs andhighlight their capstone projects in special video programs from May 21 through May 28.We are so proud of each of you and look forward to a time when we can see everyone in person.”

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