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Governor Hogan: Low-risk outdoor activities to resume on Thursday, schools to remain closed

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference on Wednesday afternoon to provide an update on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

At the news conference, the governor announced that, as of 7 a.m. on Thursday morning, some low-risk outdoor activities may resume, including recreational boating, fishing, and horseback riding.

Tennis courses, golf courses, state beaches, and state camping facilities will also be allowed to reopen.

The hospitalization curve has remained relatively flat over the past week, the governor said.

Should this continue, the state will be ready, possibly as soon as next week, to initiate Phase 1 of the Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.

State Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon also announced on Wednesday that all state schools would remain closed through the end of the school year.

More information will be provided following the press conference.

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