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Baltimore County to host webinar this week to support displaced workers

TOWSON, MD—As the COVID-19 pandemic has left tens of thousands across Maryland facing job loss or other income insecurity, Baltimore County will host a free webinar this week that will convene expert panelists to provide timely information and give an overview of how to access support resources and employment opportunities.

This is the second session of County Executive Johnny Olszewski’s “Baltimore County Business Forum—COVID-19 and Beyond” webinar series to support affected individuals.

The webinar will be presented live via Cisco WebEx on Tuesday, May 5, at 1 p.m., and webinar access information will be posted on the County website at Recorded video of the completed webinars will be posted there soon after the webinar. People are invited to submit questions during the webinar via the live WebEx questions feature, or in advance by sending an email to [email protected].

The 60-minute session will be moderated by Baltimore County Director of Economic and Workforce Development Will Anderson and will feature a live question and answer session with an expert panel. It will feature remarks from County Executive Olszewski, and the panel is comprised of Baltimore County career counselors to offer support for job seekers, officials with the State Department of Labor to answer questions about Unemployment Insurance, and CCBC’s Dean of Health and Human Services to share workforce solutions and training opportunities. Scheduled panelists are:

  • Andrew Fulginiti—Policy Officer, Office of the Maryland Secretary of Labor
  • Michael Harrison—Policy Director, Office of the Maryland Secretary of Labor
  • Steve Jurch—Assistant Dean of Health and Human Services, CCBC
  • Howard Marshall—Baltimore County DEWD Career Centers Operations Manager
  • Tracy Tyler, GCDF—Baltimore County DEWD Career Center Manager

The Department of Economic and Workforce Development (DEWD) provides a comprehensive listing of resources and assistance available to help affected individuals and businesses.

This information is available on the department’s website.

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