Business, Education, Family

PHWMBA to award $1,000 scholarship, applications due by June 15

NOTTINGHAM, MD—The Perry Hall White Marsh Business Association has announced that they will be awarding a $1,000 scholarship to a local student.

Any high school seniors living in the 21236, 21162, or 21128 zip code are eligible.

A scholarship in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded from the PHWMBA Community Foundation.

Applications are being except through June 15, 2020.

The following is required for scholarship consideration:

1. Completed Application
2. GPA of at least 3.0 (copy of report card)
3. Essay of no more than 500 typed words in length, describing how this scholarship will be beneficial in the achievement of the applicant’s career goals.
4. Must be graduating from high school at the end of this school year.
5. Evidence of acceptance into an accredited college prior to distribution of funds.
6. Two letters of recommendation (1 personal / 1 teacher)
7. Evidence of residency in the following zip codes: 21236, 21162, 21128

Applications can be submitted online by clicking here.

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