Education, Events, Health, Sci-Tech

BCPS releases list of cancelled meetings, events due to closure of schools

TOWSON, MD—During the state-mandated closure of Baltimore County’s public schools, from March 16 – 27, all school-based activities and meetings will be cancelled, beginning this weekend. This list includes, but is not limited to:

  • SAT testing (scheduled for March 14)
  • Loch Raven High’s Community Day (scheduled for March 14)
  • Athletics competitions
  • Meetings of Area Advisory Educational Councils (including the March 16 meeting of the Southeast Area Education Advisory Council and the March 18 meeting of the Northwest Area Education Advisory Council)
  • Owings Mills High’s Community Health Fair (which was scheduled for March 17)
  • Parkville High’s National Honor Society Palooza (which was scheduled for March 17)
  • The Battle for the Bell/Jimmy V Foundation Fundraiser (which was scheduled for March 18 at Franklin High)
  • Family Support Meeting: Potty Training (which was scheduled for March 18 at the Cockeysville library)
  • Red House Run Elementary’s Family Reading Night (which was scheduled for March 19)
  • The General Assembly meeting of Baltimore County Student Councils (which was scheduled for March 19)
  • Maryland 529 Parent Information Session (which was scheduled for March 23 at Perry Hall Middle)
  • Teacher Job Fair (scheduled for March 28)

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