Business, Politics

Councilman Marks forming committee to improve Carney, Perry Hall veterans memorials

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks announced on Monday that he would be forming a committee to recommend improvements to the Carney and Perry Hall veterans memorials.

The Carney Veterans Memorial is located on the grounds of Carney Elementary School and was most recently renovated seven years ago.

The Perry Hall Veterans Memorial is located at Perry Hall Elementary School and was rehabilitated in 1999, when Councilman Marks was President of the Perry Hall Improvement Association.

Funding to rehabilitate both structures is available through a countywide battle monuments fund.

“We are looking for individuals to recommend improvements to these memorials that recognize those men and women who served in conflicts on behalf of our country,” said Councilman Marks. “Both structures have deteriorated and could use some help.”

Interested volunteers should email Councilman Marks at [email protected].

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