Events, Health, Police/Fire

Honor Guard member thanks EMTs after suffering medical emergency during The Avenue’s Holiday Parade

NOTTINGHAM, MD—A member of the Baltimore County Auxiliary Police Honor Guard endured a few scary moments on the morning of The Avenue’s 2019 Holiday Parade.

Shortly after the parade began on Saturday, December 7, Honor Guard member Jo Duley needed immediate medical assistance after collapsing.

Scott Davies, the parade’s emcee, told the crowd some jokes to keep them entertained while EMTs from White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company went to work.

This week, The Avenue at White Marsh reported that Duley is doing just fine.

“I wish I could find a way to thank everyone who assisted me that day,” said Duley. “I understand that parade spectators came to my aide immediately and also was informed that they made sure I had privacy. I am doing well. I was severely dehydrated and I had not eaten. As the doctor said – it created a perfect storm. I love being in the White Marsh Parade and truly wish everyone at the parade a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”

“We have been touched by the number of spectators that have reached out with well wishes and requests for updates on (Duley’s) condition,” said The Avenue on Facebook.

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