Sci-Tech, Weather

Coastal Flood Advisory issued, could affect Bowleys Quarters area

BALTIMORE, MD – The National Weather Service has issued a Coastal Flood Advisory, which will be in effect from 8  p.m. Wednesday evening through 2 a.m. on Thursday.

The advisory covers the shoreline in southern Baltimore County and the city of Baltimore.

Tides are expected to be about one foot above normal.

NWS forecasters say up to one half foot of inundation above ground level is possible. At 3.0 feet, flooding is occurring at the end of Thames Street in Baltimore. Water also nearly covers the promenade at the dragon boat dock in the Inner Harbor.

A Coastal Flood Advisory indicates that onshore winds and tides will combine to generate flooding of low areas along the shore.

Time of high total tides are approximate to the nearest hour.

Chesapeake Bay at Bowleys Quarters
MLLW Categories – Minor 3.0 ft, Moderate 3.8 ft, Major 5.0 ft
MHHW Categories – Minor 1.3 ft, Moderate 2.1 ft, Major 3.3 ft

             Total      Total    Departure
 Day/Time    Tide       Tide     from Norm   Waves    Flood
            ft MLLW    ft MHHW       ft       ft      Impact
 --------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------  --------
 05/01 AM     2.8        1.1        0.9        0       None
 05/12 PM     1.5       -0.2        0.3       0-1      None
 06/02 AM     2.4        0.7        0.5       0-1      None
 06/01 PM     1.9        0.2        0.7        1       None
 07/04 AM     2.7        1.0        0.9        0       None

NW Branch Patapsco River at Baltimore MD
MLLW Categories - Minor 3.0 ft, Moderate 5.0 ft, Major 6.0 ft
MHHW Categories - Minor 1.3 ft, Moderate 3.3 ft, Major 4.3 ft

             Total      Total    Departure
 Day/Time    Tide       Tide     from Norm   Waves    Flood
            ft MLLW    ft MHHW       ft       ft      Impact
 --------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------  --------
 04/11 PM     3.0        1.3        1.1        0      Minor
 05/12 PM     1.9        0.2        0.5        1       None
 06/01 AM     2.7        1.0        0.7       0-1      None
 06/01 PM     2.2        0.5        0.9        1       None
 07/02 AM     2.9        1.2        0.9        0       None
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