Business, Politics

Maryland unemployment rate holds steady in June

BALTIMORE, MD – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on Friday released state jobs and unemployment data.

According to the preliminary survey data, Maryland’s unemployment rate held steady at 3.8%. Maryland is in its longest stretch of unemployment below 4% since 2008. Maryland’s total jobs decreased by 7,000 in June.

Last month, the Manufacturing sector experienced the most growth with an increase of 1,500 jobs from the Non-Durable Goods (1,200) and Durable Goods (300) subsectors. The Information Sector also grew by 100 jobs.

Several sectors experienced a decline, including the Education and Health Services sector, which decreased by 3,500 jobs across the Health Care and Social Assistance subsector (2,600) and the Educational Services subsector (900 jobs). The Leisure and Hospitality Sector decreased by 2,300 jobs across the Accommodation and Food Services subsector (2,200) and Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation subsector (100).

Other sectors that experienced decline last month include: Other Services (1,900); Professional and Business Services (700); Mining, Logging, and Construction (700); Trade, Transportation, and Utilities (400); and Financial Activities (100).

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