Police/Fire, Traffic

MDTA Police to conduct unsecured load enforcement

BALTIMORE, MD – In coordination with other law enforcement agencies across the country, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Police will participate in the “Secure Your Load” safety campaign on Thursday, June 6th.

The MDTA Police will increase its patrols that are on the lookout for vehicles with unsafe and unsecured loads. These high-visibility enforcement initiatives also will educate the public on the importance of tying down cargo properly so that it does not become a roadway hazard.

According to a study by the AAA Foundation for Safety, between 2011 and 2014, more than 200,000 crashes were caused by road debris, resulting in 39,000 injuries and 500 deaths. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that in 2016, there were 683 deaths, 19,663 injuries and 90,266 incidents related to unsecured loads.

The MDTA Police encourage motorists to always secure their loads in vehicles and trailers. Items that can shift, slide or fall onto the roadway due to being improperly tied down cause a dangerous roadway obstacle, which can lead to vehicle crashes. Transporting an unsecured load on a Maryland roadway is a citable offense and a $90 fine.

The MDTA Police ask you to follow these guidelines:

– Tie large objects directly to your vehicle or trailer.
– Consider covering the entire load with a sturdy tarp or netting.
– Always double-check to make sure the load is secure.

The MDTA Police support the Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Highway Safety Office’s “Toward Zero Deaths” campaign – a partnership to save lives and prevent injuries on Maryland roadways. For more information, visit towardzerodeathsmd.com

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