Education, Sci-Tech

Eastern Tech team qualifies for MESA USA National Engineering Design Competition

Maryland MESA LogoESSEX, MD – A team from Eastern Technical High School has qualified to represent Maryland at the MESA USA National Engineering Design Challenge Competition to be held in Tucson, Arizona, in June 2019.

The Eastern Tech team qualified for the national competition with their first-place finish in the National Engineering Design Challenge during Maryland MESA (Mathematics, Engineering & Science Achievement) Day. Eastern Tech also placed second in the CyberRobot Code-Writing Challenge.

Twelve teams from six BCPS schools participated in Maryland MESA Day, held on Saturday, May 18, at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. Teams from the following schools participated: Chadwick, Randallstown, and Timber Grove elementary schools; Deer Park Magnet and Stemmers Run middle schools; and Eastern Tech.

In the middle school challenges, a team from Stemmers Run placed second in the Wearable Technology event.

“While our elementary school MESA teams did not place in any of the challenges, their work in preparing and presenting is to be congratulated,” said Ann Meckel, coordinator of MESA for BCPS. “Congratulations to all the teams for their terrific work in representing MESA BCPS at the Maryland State MESA Day. Competition was fierce with at least eight teams competing in almost every event.”

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