Politics, Sci-Tech, Traffic

Residents encouraged to report potholes to MDOT SHA

MDOT SHANOTTINGHAM, MD – The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration is actively patrolling for potholes on Maryland’s State-numbered roads and interstates. This year’s pothole season is off to a busy start as crews are performing mobile pothole patrols to repair these nemeses.

With saturated grounds from record-setting precipitation from 2018 and continuing into 2019, and the freeze/thaw cycle that is occurring during this transitional time of the year, potholes are popping up everywhere.

Each day, MDOT SHA crews deploy mobile work zones and use cold patch asphalt to address the potholes on MDOT SHA highways and bridges.

A pothole is formed when moisture seeps into a pavement crack and freezes, then thaws during the warmer temperatures. This stresses the pavement and when traffic is introduced, potholes form.

Cold patch asphalt is a temporary repair. When temperatures rise to 50 degrees and greater, consistently, crews can switch to more permanent hot-mix asphalt, which is applied at a higher temperature and seals the potholes.

Citizens are encouraged to report potholes on State roads. Click here to find out which roads are state routes. The easiest and most convenient way to report a pothole is to visit MDOT SHA’s webpage at http://www.roads.maryland.gov and click “Contact us.” Here you can report the location of potholes by submitting a brief service request form. .

In fiscal year 2018, MDOT SHA patched approximately 25,000 square yards of potholes at a cost of approximately $3.1 million. An average cost to repair a pothole is $95. This includes the material, labor and traffic control during pothole patrols.

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