
Nottingham-area elementary schools to join BCPS AVID College Readiness System

BCPS AVIDBaltimore County Public Schools is expanding its schoolwide AVID College Readiness System to 10 additional elementary schools, beginning in the 2019 – 2020 school year.

This school year, BCPS offers AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, in 22 high schools, three alternative schools, 19 middle schools, and one elementary school (Holabird).

“Through AVID –– students throughout a school gain effective academic habits and practice higher-level thinking that will prepare them for later success,” said Interim Superintendent Verletta White. “We are very excited to bring the AVID model to 10 more of our elementary schools located across the county.”

The schools, which will begin orientation activities this school year, are:

•Chadwick Elementary

•Deer Park Elementary

•Grange Elementary

•Lutherville Laboratory

•Martin Boulevard Elementary

•McCormick Elementary

•New Town Elementary

•Pine Grove Elementary

•Sandy Plains Elementary

•Villa Cresta Elementary

According to Dr. Heather Wooldridge, BCPS coordinator of College and Career Readiness, the school system is expanding AVID at the elementary level to provide more students with a stronger foundation for later grades.

“Through AVID,” Dr. Wooldridge said, “BCPS elementary students will learn age-appropriate organization, study, and communication skills. They will learn to take structured notes and to ask and answer analytical questions. Elementary schools participating in AVID also will immerse students in opportunities to explore college and career plans.”

In Baltimore County schools, at the secondary level, data indicates that AVID improves attendance, increases student participation in highly rigorous courses (such as gifted and talented, honors, International Baccalaureate, and Advanced Placement), increases PSAT participation, and increases High School Assessment pass rates – in algebra, biology, government, and English.

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