Business, Police/Fire, Politics

WMVFC to hold grand opening for new station on Saturday

WMVFC New StationAs previously reported here at, a new, state-of-the-art White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company station will hold its grand opening on Saturday, supported by a multi-million dollar contribution from Baltimore County.

The new, $6.9 million station, located at 10331 Philadelphia Road (21162), replaces WMVFC’s previous facility located at 5419 Ebenezer Road.

Baltimore County Fire Department Fire Chief Kyrle W. Preis III is scheduled to attend Saturday’s grand opening.

“The White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company is one of our top-performing volunteer companies, but more than that, it’s a model for volunteer companies everywhere,” Preis said. “Its members understand that in the 21st century you have to run a company like a business while retaining a role as a valuable member of the local community.”

Dedication ceremonies are scheduled for 11 a.m. on Saturday morning.

Baltimore County has contributed $3.7 million toward the project – more than half of the new station’s total cost. In addition to giving WMVFC a $1.7 million grant, the county will also make all payments on a $2 million, 30-year loan.

Another $500,000 came from a loan fund established decades ago with county dollars to support the volunteer fire service with low-interest loans and grants. The fund is administered by the Baltimore County Volunteer Firemen’s Association (BCVFA).

WMVFC paid for the remainder of the project through donations and grants from other sources.

The State of Maryland will take possession of the Ebenezer Road facility, which will be demolished and the site converted to open space.

The new station features five engine bays, a modern training tower, a study area, a community/training room and four live-in bunk rooms and six other dorms capable of sleeping 18 volunteer personnel.

Twenty-nine volunteer fire companies support BCoFD and its 25 career stations.

WMVFC is one of 21 volunteer companies that provides emergency medical service in addition to suppression service. White Marsh also provides rehab and canteen services to first responders at incidents throughout the county.

The volunteer companies operate under the BCVFA and are independent corporations. At emergency scenes, career and volunteer units operate under the same chain of command and operating procedures.

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