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BCPS earns national honors for music education, digital citizenship, and communications in 4th quarter

baltimore-county-public-schools-bcpsTOWSON, MD. – During the months of April through June, Baltimore County Public Schools continued to earn recognition for its students, schools, and staff. National awards included system-wide excellence in music education, digital citizenship, and communications.

“Looking back on the 2017-2018 school year, I am simply amazed by the depth and the range of talent demonstrated by our students, staff, and schools,” said BCPS Superintendent Verletta White. “I look forward to leading our BCPS family toward even more achievement as we begin the next school year.”

Awards earned ran the gamut from academics and teaching to character education, leadership, community service, safety, robotics, JROTC; the literary, visual, performing, and culinary arts; and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

International, national, state, and regional highlights are included below.

Student Honors

Staff Honors

School Honors

System Honors

The fourth quarter closed out a year of excellence for Team BCPS, including continuous recognition during the first, second, and third quarters.

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