Education, Politics

Henn, Marks: Proposed FY 2019 budget funds planning for 2 new high schools

Baltimore CountyBaltimore County Board of Education member Julie Henn and Councilman David Marks announced on Wednesday that the school system’s proposed Fiscal Year 2019 budget will include $15 million to plan for a new Towson High School and a second high school in central or northeastern Baltimore County.

“I thank Interim Superintendent Verletta White and my School Board colleagues for recognizing the importance of addressing the capital needs at Towson High School,” Henn commented. “At the same time, I am optimistic that the recommendations of the high school enrollment study will advance progress on the long-term needs of places like Carney, Perry Hall, and White Marsh.”

Councilman Marks has contacted the Board about ensuring that planning for the Towson High School more fully engages the community.

“The Towson High School campus is one of the smallest and most environmentally-constrained in central Baltimore County,” Marks said. “Not only does the building have historical characteristics, but the Herring Run to the east provides both challenges and opportunities. The watershed is deteriorating and many of the bridges are old, but if improvements are timed with the reconstruction of Towson High School, we could really transform this entire area in a positive way.”

An assessment of high school capacity needs is expected to be finished in September 2018.

An analysis of the Towson High School site is expected to be done by April 2018, with selection of an architect in May 2018 and initiation of design in November 2018.​

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