Business, Politics

Local heroes on hand as Hire Our Veterans Act of 2017 signed into law

Hire Our Veterans Act 2017Two local heroes were on-hand as an important piece of legislation was signed into law on Tuesday.

On Tuesday morning, Governor Larry Hogan signed into law the Hire Our Veterans Act of 2017, a jobs bill created by Delegate Christian Miele.

Major John Marco Fincato, of Carney, and Staff Sergeant Tim Jenkins, of Overlea, participated in the bill signing ceremony as representatives of the military families from this district.

This legislation, which will take effect on July 1, 2017, encourages small businesses to hire honorably-discharged veterans in exchange for a tax credit in an amount equal to 30% of up to the first $6,000 of the veteran’s wages.

“It will not only help veterans re-enter the workforce and earn a living for their families,” said Del. Miele, “but (it will also) allow Maryland’s small businesses to invest the savings from the earned tax credit in new equipment or in the expansion of their operations, creating even more jobs downstream.”

There are currently over 6,000 unemployed veterans between the ages of 18 and 64 living in Maryland.

“It is my hope that this program will give many of these brave men and women greater opportunities for gainful employment here at home,” added Del. Miele. “It’s the very least we can do to honor their service.

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