
Maryland student artists compete to design ‘I VOTED’ sticker for 2020 elections

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland State Board of Elections, in partnership with the Fine Arts Office of the Maryland State Department of Education, has extended the deadline for submissions in a statewide “I VOTED” Sticker State Elections Student Art Competition.

The competition is accepting entries until October 25th and is open to all public school students, from pre-K through 12th grade.

The student who wins this contest will make history, with their original artwork printed on voting stickers for distribution at voter polling locations across the state during the 2020 elections.

The winning artist will receive a $100 gift card for new arts supplies. Their art teacher will receive $500 to purchase art supplies or equipment for their designated school or community art program.

The contest began on September 15, 2019 and entries will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on October 25, 2019.

Late entries will not be accepted. Multiple entries are not permitted.

The design must contain the theme of the State of Maryland, voting, or elections in the State of Maryland or the United States.

The design should not contain any text, and submitted designs with text will be disqualified. The dimensions of the design should fit on a circular sticker two inches in diameter. Selected artwork will fit the circle inside of the “I VOTED” circular border.

For more information, including rules of the competition, click here.

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